How Twitter's New Interface Brought Me Back to Roost

Why the #newtwitter is working better for me?

In a word: Connection.

The new features in Twitter are great.

The Connection Tab is really my new homepage when I visit twitter. In one view, it thins out all the conversations into what’s going on related to me and the people I know and talk to?

  • Tip: Flip between Interactions and Mentions (links @ top left) to see different views of your content.

Also, the way media, replies and conversations and retweets and other features are tracked in the new twitter view is really nice. It helps me know what’s really happening with things, and watch the engagement happen.

Finally, the #Discover tab surfaces some really interesting stuff if your friends are not sharing anything interesting at the moment. Check into it.

Wishlist: I don’t mind the new Retweet function anymore, but I really, really, REALLY like the old way of retweeting. I think it broadened and increased conversation. Retweeting this way just promotes things, doesn’t allow for coherent conversation as well.

I am surprised how much time I am spending with my twitter stream these days. Thanks for the improvements. It makes twitter feel much less crowded and a lot more intimate.

And, that’s what it’s all about.

Mute People or Hashtags on Twitter — Wishlist Wednesday

mute buttonMy wishlist this week is to have a way to mute a user or hashtag on twitter for a certain period of time to just avoid conversations that you don’t want to be involved in.

For example, I love sports, but not every game that the people I know on twitter is interesting to me.Β  It would be great to mute a hashtag about a certain team for a few hours to I don’t get my inbox flooded with tweets about a certain sports topic.

Or, some users engage in rapid tweet-chats about either certain topics that I don’t want to follow at the moment or don’t care about.Β  It would be great to mute a user for a few hours as well.

I think a command like “m username” or “m #hashtag” for “mute username/hashtag for 1 hour” would be a great command string. These tweets would be hidden for the muting duration, but could still show up in your twitter stream history, but just would not be sent to your mobile or trigger alerts in twitter apps.

Adding additional commands like a minutes variable at the end such as “m username|#hashtag 120”Β  for a two hour muting period would be an advanced feature.

What are Hashtags, anyway?

Hashtags are a great way to keep track of conversations on twitter. Tools like hashtagchat make it even easier to join a virtual flashmob community to talk through certain subjects.

People I follow are frequently involved in tags like:

Tracking these hashtags on twitter tools like TweetDeck or HootSuite make it easy to stay connected with others in a broad range of topics.

Google Calendar Goes Down; Mass Confusion Ensues

Aside from Joe not remembering that it was his Donut Day, Google Calendar going down causes the obvious:

  • Mass panic.
  • General blasΓ© attitude among digerati as they have no idea what to do right now.
  • Twitter goes freaking nuts (what else do you do in a crisis situation??)


  • β€Ž

    nicevans20β€Ž: Google Calendar is down. Will the world stop turning without the schedule?
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